Sunday, March 1, 2009

foreword - sekapur sirih

It takes me years to finally write something in this blog. I have been thinking of starting a blog since,, i can't even remember how long ago it was. I always had an excuse not to start this. Some of the excuses that I had before :
1. My life is not interesting --> this argument has gradually ceased.
1.a. I don't think anyone will read my blog
1.b. I have nothing to write about.
2. I don't know what language I will use to write in my blog.
2.a. My english will sound silly --> this also has changed a lot since i now speak, think, and
dream in english 90% of my time.
2.b But I want to write in Indonesian too. Especially when I write things about Indonesia. But
then when I write in Indonesian my friends abroad won't be able to read my post?

So those are some of the excuses that I used to (some of them still) have for not starting to write in this blog. But alas, I'm posting now.

One of the reason why I finally decide to post is I realize how other people's blog, especially travel and cooking blogs, have really helped and influenced me. I am really grateful for all the great experiences in my life. I want to share my thoughts and hopefully get some feedback from other people.

I will mostly write about my travel experiences, indonesian politics and society, and economy. But we'll see..


Sekapur sirih ini nggak bakal sama dengan versi bahasa inggris nya. Gw udah sejak lama pengen nulis blog. Tapi selalu banyak alasan untuk nggak mulai-mulai. Dari masalah bahasa sampe isi, ada aja alesan untuk nggak nulis. Gw bingung apa gw nulis dalam bahasa inggris apa bahasa indonesia. Jujur, gw pengen banget jadi penulis bahasa indonesia yang baik dan benar. Tapi gw baru sadar kalo gw ternyata jarang nulis bahasa indonesia, jadi entah kenapa kok rasanya apa yang gw tulis terdengar aneh ya (termasuk yang gw tulis sekarang ini). Belom lagi gw bingung apa gw harus nulis "gw", "aku", atau "saya". Masing-masing punya konotasi sendiri-sendiri. So setelah gw pikir-pikir, cuek aja ganti ganti. We'll see..

Tanpa gw sadarin, terutama sejak gw sekolah di amerika, menulis jadi salah satu obsesi rahasia gw. Rasanya pengen banget sharing apa yang gw pikirin sama orang lain, dan mudah"an dapet feedback. Gw merasa bersyukur banget atas apa yang gw jalanin sekarang. Bisa dapet beasiswa sekolah ke amerika, jalan-jalan keliling dunia, punya temen-temen yang bener" genius. Setiap hari adalah pelajaran buat gw. Dan gw pengen untuk bisa sharing tentang hal-hal yang gw temuin.

So, gw bakal coba nulis tentang pengalaman" gw, pikiran/ide-ide tentang indonesia, bumbu masakan, pendidikan, dan lain lain.

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